What Types of Hummingbirds Can You Spot in North America?
Mar 11,2021 | SHEREM

The hummingbird is one of the most recognizable birds in the world. The small size of this bird, its elegant color, and its ability to fly forwards, backwards and upside down make it one of the most recognizable birds in the world. Not only this, but their amazing homing instinct and their ability to hover at the top of flowers for long periods of time make them easily recognizable. Hummingbirds can be spotted across most of North America. This is not surprising as there are more than 330 species of hummingbirds. Even though there are many different species of hummingbirds, most of them can be spotted in the same places. This article will highlight some of the most common types of hummingbirds that can be spotted in North America.
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
The ruby throated hummingbird is a species of hummingbird that can only be found in the United States. This species is a very common one to spot in parks and gardens, as they love to get close to humans. They can be spotted in a wide variety of colors, but their most commonly spotted colors are red and black. They are known for their beautiful ruby throat, which is what makes them the name “Ruby Throated” throug Hummingbirds can fly very high to forage for tiny insects. They can fly as high up as 50 feet above the ground!
Anna’s Hummingbird
The Anna’s hummingbird is a very common species to spot in the United States. This species is known for its beautiful metallic blue coloring in addition to its tiny size. The Anna’s hummingbird is also known for being very social and even making connections with humans. Hummingbirds are known for being very territorial, but Anna’s hummingbirds are known for being very territorial and even building their nests in people’s backyards.
Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
The broad-tailed hummingbird can be spotted in a wide variety of colors, but the most commonly spotted color is the male’s brilliant orange. These hummingbirds are not only beautiful to look at, but they are very beneficial to the environment. Hummingbirds are known for being very aggressive pollinators, but the broad-tailed hummingbird is known for being very gentle.
Calliope Hummingbird
The calliope hummingbird is a very beautiful bird that is commonly spotted in the United States. This species is known for its vibrant green coloring and its ability to hover upside down at the top of flowers. These hummingbirds are also known for being very social, even nesting in people’s clotheslines.
Masked Birdwing
The masked birdwing is one of the most common types of hummingbirds to be spotted in North America. These hummingbirds are known for having a wide variety of colors, even though they are classified as a “black birdwing” they can be spotted in a wide variety of colors. It is also very common to see both male and female hummingbirds of this species.
Rufous Hummingbird
The rufous hummingbird is a very common type of hummingbird to be spotted in North America. This hummingbird is known for being a very social species and for building their nests even in people’s backyards. The rufous hummingbird is also known for being a very aggressive pollinator, even for fruits that are high up in the trees.
Black-chinned (Trogon) Hummingbird
The black-chinned hummingbird is a very social hummingbird that can be spotted in a wide variety of colors. The most commonly spotted color is the black coloring on the male hummingbird’s face. The black-chinned hummingbird is also known for being very aggressive pollinators and even for very high up fruits.
American Goldener (Spinetail)
The American goldenener is a very beautiful type of hummingbird that is commonly spotted in North America. This hummingbird is known for being a very social bird and even making nest in people’s backyards. It is also very common to see males and females of this species hummingbird.
The hummingbird is one of the most recognizable birds in the world. The small size of this bird, its elegant color, and its ability to fly forwards, backwards and upside down make it one of the most recognizable birds in the world. Not only this, but their amazing homing instinct and their ability to hover at the top of flowers for long periods of time make them easily recognizable. Hummingbirds can be spotted across most of North America. This is not surprising as there are more than 330 species of hummingbirds. Even though there are many different species of hummingbirds, most of them can be spotted in the same places. This article will highlight some of the most common types of hummingbirds that can be spotted in North America.